The Story

POUNDS AND INCHES - that's the title of Dr. ATW Simeons book that revolutionized the approach to fat loss more than 50 years ago... it's also exactly what you lose when you take hCG!

What Dr. ATW Simeons discovered in the 1950s is that small doses of hCG given to overweight individuals, both men and women, decreased their appetite, and helped them lose inches specifically around their hips, thighs, buttocks, and stomachs

Dr. ATW Simeons

Dr. Simeons, who was a British physician, is credited with having first discovered the use of HCG for weight loss. While practicing medicine in Rome, he published his report describing the benefits of HCG in 1954.

For forty years he was dedicated to discovering the nature of obesity and its cure. In his book “Pounds and Inches” he writes

“In the human body we can distinguish three kinds of fat.

The first is the structural fat which fills the gaps between various organs, a sort of packing material. Structural fat also performs such important functions as bedding the kidneys in soft elastic tissue, protecting the coronary arteries and keeping the skin smooth and taut. It also provides the springy cushion of hard fat under the bones of the feet, without which we would be unable to walk.

The second type of fat is a normal reserve of fuel upon which the body can freely draw when the nutritional income from the intestinal tract is insufficient to meet the demand. Such normal reserves are localized all over the body.

But there is a third type of fat which is entirely abnormal. It is the accumulation of such fat, and of such fat only, from which the overweight patient suffers. This abnormal fat is also a potential reserve of fuel, but unlike the normal reserves it is not available to the body in a nutritional emergency. It is, so to speak, locked away in a fixed deposit and is not kept in a current account, as are the normal reserves.

When an obese patient tries to reduce by starving himself, he will first lose his normal fat reserves. When these are exhausted he begins to burn up structural fat, and only as a last resort will the body yield its abnormal reserves, though by that time the patient usually feels so weak and hungry that the diet is abandoned. It is just for this reason that obese patients complain that when they diet they lose the wrong fat. They feel famished and tired and their face becomes drawn and haggard, but their belly, hips, thighs and upper arms show little improvement. The fat they have come to detest stays on and the fat they need to cover their bones gets less and less.”

And what Dr. Simeons noted was that the current view of obesity, as a lack of will power to diet, was wrong…
“In the first place, more caloric energy is required to keep a large body at a certain temperature than to heat a small body. Secondly the muscular effort of moving a heavy body is greater than in the case of a light body. The muscular effort consumes calories which must be provided by food. Thus, all other factors being equal, a fat person requires more food than a lean one. One might therefore reason that if a fat person eats only the additional food his body requires he should be able to keep his weight stationary. Yet every physician who has studied obese patients under rigorously controlled conditions knows that this is not true. Many obese patients actually gain weight on a diet which is calorically deficient for their basic needs. There must thus be some other mechanism at work.”

Dr. Simeons felt that abnormally accumulated fat was a disorder related to an improper functioning in the metabolic pathway and he wrote…
“that every ounce of abnormally accumulated fat is always the result of the same disorder of certain regulatory channels. Persons suffering from this particular disorder will get fat regardless of whether they eat excessively, normally or less than normal. A person who is free of the disorder will never get fat, even if he frequently overeats. Those in whom the disorder is severe will accumulate fat very rapidly, those in whom it is moderate will gradually increase in weight and those in whom it is mild may be able to keep their excess weight stationary for long periods.

In all these cases a loss of weight brought about by dieting, treatments with thyroid, appetite reducing drugs, laxatives, violent exercise, massage, or baths is only temporary and will be rapidly regained as soon as the reducing regimen is relaxed. The reason is simply that none of these measures corrects the basic disorder.”

Dr. Simeons evaluated all possible causes:
“In these many years of specialized work, thousands of cases have passed through my hands and were carefully studied. Every new theory, every new method, every promising lead was considered, experimentally screened and critically evaluated as soon as it became known.”

Dr. Simeons became interested in some studies showing that HCG, a pregnancy hormone, had an effect on weight loss in both men and women. What he found that HCG was able to reduce the third type of fat deposit when administered along with a calorically restricted diet. He had found the key to what he was looking for. Dr. Simeons astutely noted ..

“It was also perfectly evident that only abnormal fat was being consumed, as there were no signs of any depletion of normal fat. Their skin remained fresh and turgid, and gradually their figures became entirely normal. The daily administration of HCG appeared to have no side-effects other than beneficial ones.”.

Dr.Simeons further noted:
“It is only during pregnancy that fixed fat deposits can be transferred back into the normal current account and freely drawn upon to make up for any nutritional deficit. During pregnancy, every ounce of reserve fat is placed at the disposal of the growing fetus. Were this not so, an obese woman, whose normal reserves are already depleted, would have the greatest difficulties in bringing her pregnancy to full term. There is considerable evidence to suggest that it is the HCG produced in large quantities in the placenta which brings about this diencephalic change. Though we may be able to increase the diencephalic fat banking capacity by injecting HCG, this does not in itself affect the weight, just as transferring monetary funds from a fixed deposit into a current account does not make a man any poorer; to become poorer it is also necessary that he freely spends the money which thus becomes available.

In pregnancy the needs of the growing embryo take care of this to some extent, but in the treatment of obesity there is no embryo, and so a very severe dietary restriction must take its place for the duration of treatment. Only when the fat which is in transit under the effect of HCG is actually consumed can more fat be withdrawn from the fixed deposits. In pregnancy it would be most undesirable if the fetus were offered ample food only when there is a high influx from the intestinal tract.

Ideal nutritional conditions for the fetus can only be achieved when the mother’s blood is continually saturated with food, regardless of whether she eats or not, as otherwise a period of starvation might hamper the steady growth of the embryo. It seems that HCG brings about this continual saturation of the blood, which is the reason why obese patients under treatment with HCG never feel hungry in spite of their drastically reduced food intake.”

Dr. Simeons concludes…
“The HCG + diet method can bring relief to every case of obesity, but the method is not simple. It is very time consuming and requires perfect cooperation between physician and patient. Each case must be handled individually, and the physician must have time to answer questions, allay fears and remove misunderstandings. He must also check the patient daily. When something goes wrong he must at once investigate until he finds the reason for any gain that may have occurred. In most cases it is useless to hand the patient a diet-sheet and let the nurse give him a “shot.”

In his book the Weight Loss Cure, Kevin Trudeau states …
“The protocol was everything I hoped it would be no hunger, no food cravings, no grumpiness, no feeling of deprivation, no fatigue, a dramatic loss in not only weight but fat; most importantly a dramatic reshape of the body with the burning of the secure problem area fat deposits. Although this is not a diet I am happy to report that this will be the last diet you will ever need. The success rate of this protocol in keeping the weight off forever is unmatched, nothing comes close. The speed and amount of weight and fat you lose is unmatched, nothing even comes close. The ease and effortlessness in which you 
lose weight and keep it off is unmatched, nothing even comes close.”


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